This practice frees me from having to invent any kind of style, technique or picture language. Nevertheless I am able to create something new which is marked by a clear identity. The magazine -Art Profile- wrote: “The appeal of the pictures lies in the tension arising of, between the accurate presentation of reality and the fairy-tale promise advertising which insists with symbolic vigour that the world would be so much nicer if only we would buy this or that product.” Hence my art may perhaps be seen as a compartment of “soap opera”.
However I do try to distance myself from much of today’s culture: - from the craving for sensation and celebrity; the loss of individuality; the glorification of the banal and trivial; and unquestioning acceptance of clichés.
Das Fachmagazin „ArtProfil“ schrieb: “Der Reiz seiner Bilder liegt in der Spannung zwischen der veristisch dargebotenen Wirklichkeit und den bunten Logos der Werbewelt, die uns mit Symbolkraft vermitteln, daß die Welt doch um so viel schöner wäre, wenn wir nur dieses oder jenes Produkt kaufen würden.“
Die Realität als „Seifenoper“.